“Now Featuring” Live Streaming Class



SKU: LSC106 Category:


Of the many challenges of portraiture, learning to draw the facial features convincingly and with confidence is among the most daunting. Students frequently struggle with understanding the intricacies of the eyes, ears, nose and mouth, leading to errors that can easily detract from otherwise successful portraits.

“Now Featuring” is our solution to this problem. This 6 week class focuses on drawing the 4 major features of the face: eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Students will be supplied with multiple reference images of these features, seen from different angles of view. Vitruvian instructors will then discuss the relevant anatomical structures and how various forms can be understood conceptually, while demonstrating the process of drawing the features live on camera. By the end of the class, students will have executed several drawings of the facial features, both in line and with limited light & shade development, and come away with a better grasp of how to approach similar drawing challenges in the future.