Post-Modern Times – The Journal of Aesthetics and Art History
I’m delighted to be included in the inaugural issue of Post-Modern Times – The Journal of Aesthetics and Art History from the Birmingham Free Press. This is a gorgeous publication, with rich visuals, thoughtful text, and some beautiful artwork. The issue also includes illuminating statements by and interviews with the various artists about their vision and craft. It’s fascinating reading. I’m late announcing this, as the issue was released at the end of March, but if you’d like to see more, consider downloading a copy here. The digital version is only $5.

Here’s an excerpt from the introduction, saying what this issue is all about:
Post-Modern Times is an attempt to revitalize the classic tradition of aesthetics; one which deals primarily with what is unquestionably the highest standards of artistic virtuosity—if not the lost concept of Beauty. The artists solicited for this journal represent some of the most technically endowed contemporary painters. Each was asked to give an explanation of his or her philosophy of art. In addition to these statements, we have chosen traditional philosophers to write essays on the issues raised by contemporary representational painting. Hopefully this venture will help instigate a dialogue that is growing among the artists themselves, but often overlooked by the art establishment and public.
Thanks to publisher Stephen Smith for producing this beautiful issue… and for including me in it. I’m honored to keep company with such an illustrious group of artists:
Martin A. Arnold, Javier Arizabalo, Ryan S. Brown, Chris Cooper, Marc Dalessio, Paulo Frade, Christopher Gallego, Mikel Glass, David Gluck, Reiner Hansen, Wim Heldens, Harry Holland, Jeremy Lipking, Tuck McLendon, Stan Miller, John Morra, Katie O’Hagan, Rod Penner, Denis Peterson, Gabriel Picart, Lee Price, Victor Rodriguez, Katherine Stone, Kendric Tonn, Mark Van Crombrugge, and Steven Volpe.
You can get a copy of Post-Modern Times here. It’s a beautiful publication, and it looks great on an iPad!