3rd Time-Lapse Portrait Drawing Demonstration…

Still from David Jamieson's 3rd Time-Lapse Portrait Drawing Demonstration.

Our newest time-lapse portrait drawing demonstration is currently live on YouTube… But this one is special. The clips used are all extracted from a larger project we’ve been working on: Portrait Drawing – The Online Course. With nearly 10 hours of video demonstration and lecture, Portrait Drawing Basics will guide students through the process of drawing a portrait from start to finish.

This has been a big project for us this summer and it’s not done yet, but we’re aiming to launch in the next few weeks. It’s also a big step for the studio, being the first of a number of courses we plan to deploy online.

So keep your eyes on our website… We’ll have more information as we get closer to launch. Excited!

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    1. We’re just a couple of weeks away, Tim. Video will be exported and transcoded starting next week, and we’ve already begun uploading written content to the site!

  1. David, if you teach me how to correctly do the block in, I´ll be forever in debt to you…It´s the one and only thing I don´t get how to do yet.. Does the course focus on that?

    1. Hugo, yes, the first of 4 segments of the course deals with developing a block-in. We’re now in the final stages – exporting video and uploading content to the website… It shouldn’t be long now!

    1. Teo, I do give some advice on pencil selection in the online class, although there are no hard-and-fast rules about this. Choosing a pencil is like choosing a gear on a bicycle: there is no “correct” gear – you choose the one that’s comfortable. Similarly, there is no single “correct” pencil to use at any given time. Instead, you use one that “feels” right for what you’re trying to do – not too hard, not too soft.

      1. Thanks for the quick reply. I asked you in a different place, What do you use to sharpen your pencils? they look nicely sharpen in your videos.

        Any specif sharpener that you will recommend?

        Thanks and regards,

        Teo Z