An Excerpt from “Now Featuring” Live Streaming Class…

Below you'll find an excerpt from one of our recent live streaming class sessions on Zoom. This one is pulled from a class we taught earlier this year called “Now Featuring”. It focused on drawing the 4 main facial features – eyes, ears, nose and mouth – of different models from different points of view.
It’s also where we tried something new: showing both drawing and sculpture demos on-screen at the same time. Seeing a sculpture develop while you draw can help you get a better sense of the 3-dimensional structure of your subject, leading to better decisions on the page. The video should give you a sense of what our live streaming classes are like, and who knows? Maybe you’ll join us live for one sometime in the future.
Would love to see more courses…but still have a ways to go with the ones I already have. Just purchase the Skull and muscles course…plus skull and molding material…cool….Great discount!!