An Improving Platform…

Our online course in portrait drawing has been live for just over 2 months now and we couldn’t be happier with how it’s going. We’ve had scads of new students sign up for the course, with some completing it in just a few days while others bide their time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to begin.
Meanwhile, we haven’t been sitting still either. We’ve made a number of improvements to the online “classroom”, including adding a download feature so that the written course material can be downloaded in a handy PDF format. And just this week we enabled a new “modules” component that allows us to organize course lessons into groups, presenting the sequence of lessons in a way that’s much tidier and easier to navigate.
We look forward to further improvements to the student experience as we develop our online platform and we’re just breaking ground on new course and video projects now.
Stay tuned! We’re just getting started!