Welcome Back UIC BVIS!

We’re a little late getting this posted, but we were once again honored to host the incoming class of UIC’s Biomedical Visualization program. It’s a wonderful opportunity for us to share our love for art and anatomy with students who are committed and thoughtful in their pursuit of a degree of which David and I are in constant awe! Not only do “BVIS” students take gross anatomy and drawing courses, but they develop their skills in Photoshop, Mudbox, Cinema 4D, Maya, and ZBrush to name a few.
At Vitruvian, we like to remind these students of the classical roots of drawing and sculpting the human figure through the creation of an écorché. I’m always so impressed by how well the BVIS students take to this project, making their very own action figure sized écorchés to take home at the end of the day. A great time was had by all! Many thanks to BVIS Program Director John Daugherty for bringing everyone together!